Friday, March 16, 2012

TIF commission will consider payments for shopping center, symphony offices - Kansas City Business Journal:
But the commission won't act on proposals from Brywoodr Centre's owner or philanthropist Shirley Helzberg, who wantzs to restore a building in the Crossroadsa Arts District along what was onceKansas City'e Film Row, because neither application was filed in of Chicago wants $5.6 milliobn of TIF reimbursements for a proposed $30 million investmenyt in Brywood Centre. The 36-year-old shoppingf center southwest of 61st Street and Blue Ridger Boulevard is anchored by a Prices Chopper supermarket and Big Lots discountdepartmentt store.
The proposed redevelopment calls forrehabbingy 150,000 square feet of existing space, buildinfg 112,000 square feet and demolishinv slightly more than 25,00p square feet. A public hearing is scheduled forJune 11. Helzbergh wants to rehab the historic Vitagraph Building at 1703Wyandotte St. and build a small, two-level parkinhg garage next door at 1711Wyandotted St. Steve Rinne, who's handling the case for the , whichj staffs the TIF Commission, said the symphony's officews would take half the building. A tenant hasn'gt been signed for remaining space, Rinne said.
The development, just soutyh of the , would become part of the proposed West 17th StreertTIF District, which also includes other properties owned by , Helzberg'sa development company, which earlier restored Blossom Hous e on Quality Hill. The TIF Commission's hearing on the Vitagrapg Building is scheduled forMay 27.

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