Monday, March 5, 2012

$10M boost expected from Hispanic Chamber convention in Denver - Denver Business Journal:
Leaders of Colorado’s Hispanic business communituy and local officials gathered at the Colorado Conventiojn Center Tuesday to formally announce theconventionm — the third time the city has been host to the nationalk Hispanic chamber. The gatherintg will be at the Colorad oConvention Center, Sept. 16-19. Previous conventions were held in Denve in 1995and 1997. is a primed sponsor of the convention with a commitment of Jerry Natividad, co-chair of the event’s host committed and a board membee of the USHCC, said the convention will focus on four key sustainable growth and the greening of the U.S.
economy; growtnh of Hispanic businesses, especiallu among Hispanic women; the federapl economic stimulus program and refining economic survival and innovationb skills amongHispanic businesses. “Hispanic businese owners across the country are facing continuouse challenges onmany fronts,” Natividad “They need all the help they can get, making key gaining access to crucial information about access to new industries and other trends that will help lead our countr y out of the current recession. This year’sz national convention will provide suchan opportunity.
” Denvere Mayor John Hickenlooper said the convention is a chance to highlightt Denver’s successes before one of the fastest-growing business sectors in the U.S. “The timint couldn’t be more perfect,” Hickenlooper noting the city’s planned Biennialk of the Americas celebrationext summer, which includes a two-month-long curated event of contemporaryy art and ideas from throughout the Hickenlooper is meeting with diplomatss from South and Central America this week in Washington this week to promotwe the 2010 event. There are an estimated 15,00p0 Hispanic-owned businesses in Denver, Hickenlooper said.

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