Saturday, November 26, 2011

Study: More CEOs say good works boost recruiting - Pittsburgh Business Times:
This marks a shift in corporate philanthropy since the Roundtablde released itsin 2000, which noted that corporate responsibility was beginning to evolve from community impact to bottok line impact. The most recent report shows thatthe evolution, has taken place. Boston struggles to maintain its colleged grads as they move intothe workforce, and the Rounr Table report underscores that philanthropy is a factoer making some local companies more attractive to younger The Roundtable issued the report in collaboratiomn with the University of Massachusetts Bosto n Emerging Leaders Program.
A team from the Emerginf Leaders Program started working on the report last interviewing 20 Massachusetts companies about their corporate social responsibilityactivities -- predominantly largew companes and representing a cross-section of industries. “Historicallyt CEOs would engage in philanthropty because it was the right thingto do. They wanterd to be good corporate citizens,” said J.D. Chesloff, deputy directo of the MassachusettsBusiness Roundtable. “Now there’s a good businesxs case to incorporating it into theirtbusiness plan. There’s a bottom line impacrt to it, in addition to being good for all the othetrcommunity reasons.
” Based on the findingws from the 20 companies included in the the report suggests five ways companiezs can build a culture of socialo responsibility: • Create a clear link to the company’sd mission and secure endorsement at the executive level. Engage employees at all levelsas decision-makers in relationn to corporate social responsibility targets and • Leverage employees’ skills to make positive contributions to the • Provide opportunities for employees to develop new skills.
“z lot of it is around a company being authentic about wanting to do something in the communitu and listening to what the employeesa are interested in doing and connecting it to the values of the saidEllen Remmer, CEO of The , a nonprofit that promotesx strategic philanthropy and advises donors.

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