Friday, April 29, 2011
Dress Barn acquiring Tween; few job cuts expected - Portland Business Journal:
Suffern, N.Y.-based Dress Barn (NASDAQ:DBRN) said the deal, expectecd to close in October, will give Tweenm (NYSE:TWB) shareholders about 16 percentr of DressBarn stock. Basee on terms of the transaction, the company is paying about $157 millionh for Tween shares and payin offthe retailer’s outstanding bank Tween in regulatory filingsz reported an outstanding balance of more than $166 millioh on its credit facility, but company officials valuedx the deal at roughly $220 million after accountinvg for Tween’s cash reserves. Tween, which runs more than 900 stores under the Justicee and LimitedToo nameplates, will becomed a subsidiary of the more than 1,500-store Dressw Barn chain.
Tween CEO Michael Rayden, in a conference call said the company is in a strongeer financial position under Dress Barn than as astandalonwe business, particularly in regards to acceses to capital. And with much of the financial dutieds shifting toDress Barn, he said, the Tween team can focuxs on merchandising and marketing. Raydenh will continue to managed Tween but report to Dress Barn CEODavid Jaffe. Jaffew called the transaction “strategically for his company and said providing trendy merchandise at a valuew price is a formula his companyis well-acquaintes with.
For Dress Barn, the Tween acquisitiojn is a move to diversifyits business, whicj operates under the Dress Barn and Maurices The company has about a dozen stores in Central Ohio, with Dress Barn targetinh women in their 40s and Mauriceds aiming at women in their 20s. “Those are my girls’ moms,” Rayden said, referencing Tween’s core customer base of girls age 7-14. He said the chains will have cross-promotionakl opportunities once customer databasesare shared. Jaffer said Tween will continue to be headquartered in New but that some cost reductions will come from eliminatinhg duplicate publiccompany expenses.
Rayden, in an intervie with Columbus Business First, said any job cuts that could come to NewAlbanyh post-acquisition would not be a significant amount and that the 235 positionsd eliminated in the past year as it transitionedd from its onetime flagship Limited Too storeas to its smaller – but lower-priced – Justice brand alread have made the company leaner and more The company has between 400 and 450 employeew at its headquarters and between 125 and 150 at its Etna distributio center.
Jaffe, speaking to Columbus Business First, said Dresd Barn learned from its 2005 acquisition of Mauricesathat it’s important to keep thos who are knowledgeable and passionate about the business with the business. “Mikee has built a heck of an organization,” he “There’s not much we thino we can teach them, but we thinmk the three brands will have greaterbuying power, better economies of Rayden put it another way “It’s better to be a big ship in a roughh ocean than a small one.
” Rayden said betweehn 30 and 40 stores still have the Limitedf Too branding and will not be converterd until lease negotiations Jaffe said Dress Barn is confidenrt in Rayden and his long-ter strategy and admitted that it was the transition to the lower-pricefd Justice brand that initially piqued the company’sx interested in acquiring “The business is well-positioned,” he “This is a unique niche. They have no direct competition.” Rayden said the company was not pursuingf a sale and that Jaffe first contacted Twee n the day after it announced its plans to transitionh to Justicelast August.
The executives met days later to discuszs apotential deal, but talks did not heat up until this spring, he Tween has struggled amid a pullback in consumer spendinyg that helped push sales at company-owned storez open at least a year down 12 percent in its last fiscalk year. Tween lost $17 million on $995 milliob in revenue in its fiscal yearended Jan. 31 and last montuh reported a $1.4 millioh fiscal first-quarter loss. The combinede company would have annual sales ofabout $2.4 billion and operate 2,4645 stores. The boards of both Dress Barn and Twee have approvedthe deal, whicb requires Tween shareholders’ approval.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Stanford, Canary Foundation plan $20M cancer center - Minneapolis / St. Paul Business Journal:
Canary Foundation is pledging $15 million towarsd the center, doubling its earlier commitmenf to support early detection researchg atthe university. The medicakl school, together with the school's Departmeng of Radiology, is committing $5 millio through faculty recruitments, research facilities, and other infrastructure. The center will be led by Dr. Sanjivf Sam Gambhir and will include new faculty hires in both ex vivo and in vivo The center is locatef in a newly renovated School of Medicine building on Californis Avenue in Palo Alto and it will have stron g ties to the NationalCancer Institute-designated Stanford Cancer Center with a view towards translating the early detection research into clinical practice.
Canary Foundation is a non-profit dedicater to the goal of identifying cancer early through a simple bloodx test and then isolating itwith imaging. Sincwe 2004, Canary has raised over $30 milliom to support early detection research.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Sandwich Isles bids $400M for Hawaiian Telcom - San Antonio Business Journal:
, a company founded in 1995 to take advantag e of government subsidies that pay for the installationb of broadband cable in rural areas, said in a court filing last week that it wantws to buy all of Hawaiiab Telcom’s assets. The company said it woulde retain all ofHawaiian Telcom’s 1,400 workers at their current wages, with the exception of seniod management. Sandwich Isles said in the filingh that its offer would consistof $250 millionb in cash plus $150 million in debt issuefd by Hawaiian Telcom.
A deal with Sandwicn Isles would need the approval of the the Public Utilities Commission and the Federal Communication Hawaiian Telcom said in a statemeng that it stands behind its proposefdreorganization plan, filed in June, to reducde the company’s debt by nearly $790 million, from $1.1 billion to $300 million. Hawaiian Telcom filed a motion seekint an extension to file a Chapte r 11 plan andsolicit votes. Judge Lloyd King extended that periodc toJune 30. The company is seeking anothetr extensionto Sept. 30. Sandwich Isle s has filed an objection to thelatest request.
“In the Sandwich Isles makes numerous allegations about the progreses Hawaiian Telcom has made to date in these Hawaiian Telcom’s decision not to pursue a sale to Sandwichh Isles and the viability of Hawaiian Telcom’s proposexd plan,” Hawaiian Telcom said in a “The company disputes these allegations and intendsd to respond to Sandwich Isles objectiob in the appropriate forum.” Sandwich Isles was foundee by Al Hee, an entrepreneur who saw opportunit in the generous subsidies offered by the federakl government to wire rural and remote communitiess in the mid-1990s.
Working primarily in developments ownee by the state Departmengt of HawaiianHome Lands, Hee’d company has received more than $400 million in loanss from the U.S. Department of Agriculturew since 1998. The cost of wiring the rural developmentsx has been calculated atabout $13,000 per Hawaiian Telcom filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcuy in December. Hawaiian Telcom is owned by , a Washington, D.C.-based private equity group. Carlyle boughrt the assets of Verizon Hawaii in May 2005for $1.6 and began operating independently with its own systemx in April 2006.
Friday, April 22, 2011
Quantum Group, Inc. Company Profile | QGP Company Information
The Quantum Group, Inc. (the termx "Company", "us", "QTUM" and/or "we" and othert similar terms as used herein refef collectively to the Company together with its principaloperating subsidiaries) is a Nevadw corporation created for the sole purpose to reorganizew and change domicile of the predecessor Transform Pack International, Inc. Transform Pack was originally formed as a Minnesota corporation in February 1975 under the name AutomaterMultiple Systems, Inc., subsequently changed its name to Stylus, and then changed its name to Inc. in December 1997. Throughout the earl y years ofthe corporation, its business and management were locatex in Minnesota.
However, since 2000 the businessx and management of Transform Pack have been locatedin Moncton, New and as of May 29, 2003 in Florida. On May 28, 2003, Transformj Pack completed the acquisition of Quantumn HIPAAConsulting Group, Inc., a Florida Corporation based in Florida. Quantum HIPAA Consulting Group was in the business of advisinh the healthcare industry on the implementation of regulationas created to comply with the Health Insurance Portabilitgy and Accountability Act of1996 (HIPAA).
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Idaho Digital Learning Academy hires Starfish Retention Solutions - Charlotte Business Journal:
IDLA, a 7-year-old state virtual school formed by Idaho offers online classes to students inthe state. Starfish, an Arlington-base maker of student-retention software, will help pinpoint at-rislk students in real time, based on their daily course work performances and then connect them tohelpful resources. “On of the best ways to gaugr student engagement is to keep track of how often they log in to theirronline courses.
Unfortunately, this is also one of the greates challenges,” said Ryan Gravette, technology director for “With Starfish, we will know this in real and be able to reengage students and get them back in the Starfish will track when a student has not loggedc in to the course management syste for more than a week and then let an appropriatewparty know. That same parthy will also be alerted when a studenr gets two consecutive progress reportsw with a score of less than70 percent. Davidx Yaskin, founder and CEO of is a alum. He was the former vice presidenft of product strategy and leftthe D.C. company in Octobe r 2007 to start Starfish.
Monday, April 18, 2011
Realtors to launch foreclosure courses - New Mexico Business Weekly:
The group gave the $3,200 to host a foreclosure and shortsales course. And the was given $8,050 to develol a course and DVD for consumers and agentsw on the legal risks associated with foreclosures and short also wasawarded $6,000 to host a Realtor traininf course on helping consumers who are behin on their mortgages. The national association gave out morethan $3 millionn to different city associations to help resolve the growinb foreclosure problem.
“Realtors build communities, and as the leading advocate for homeownership andhousingv issues, we believe that any family that loseds its home to foreclosure is one familyg too many,” NAR President Charles McMillan, a brokee with in Dallas-Fort Worth. “Foreclosures affect each community differently, which is why NAR is providingf the Foreclosure Prevention and Response grants directly to local and state Realtor associationzs so that they can develop unique, coordinated action plans to prevent foreclosures and minimize their adverse effects on the community.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Family Safeguards Still Hampered by Traditional Financial Roles - PR Web (press release)
PR Web (press release) | Family Safeguards Still Hampered by Traditional Financial Roles PR Web (press release) 1 âAustralian Mothers â" Undervalued and underinsuredâ, IFSA Media Release, 5/10/2005. Bill Savellis is an Authorised Representative No. 327717 of Infocus Securities Australia Pty Ltd ABN 47 097 797 049 AFSL/ACL No 236523 trading as Infocus Money ... |
Monday, April 11, 2011
Georgia House pulls tax reform bill -
Georgia House pulls tax reform bill Nathan Deal and Senate leaders to ask that lawmakers take up the issue during a special session set for this summer to draw new congressional and legislative district maps. Under Georgia law, the governor sets the agenda for special sessions held every ... |
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Seneca Nation creates investment company - Business First of Buffalo:
is expected to invest at least $28 millioh over the next five years through a serieszof subsidiaries. All investments will be with companie s thatare run, owned or operateed by members of the Seneca Nation or other tribes. One subsidiary, Seneca Capital, has already been formeds and is eyeingpossible investments. Seneca officials said community development and job creation will be drivingb forces behind thenew firm’s investment strategy. "Ther formation of Seneca Holdings is anothefr example ofthe nation's commitment to the well-bein g of its people and the quality of theier lives," said Barry Snyderf Sr., Seneca Nation president.
Seneca Holdings was created against the backdrop of growiny competition with theSeneca Nation's gamingh operations and potential lega threats against the nation's gaming and tobaccio business ventures. "The nation has creates Seneca Holdings to serve as a businesas venture separate fromthe government," Snydef said. "This separation will alloqw the company the freedom to quicklh evolve into a independent and successful source of revenue for the A Seneca Holdingsmanagement committee, headede by noted attorney Robert Odawj Porter and a member of the Senecsa Nation, is interviewing candidates for chief executive
Friday, April 8, 2011
N.C. travel: Motorists down, airlines up - Nashville Business Journal:
Economic troubles, unemployment and uncertaintyg about the future are expected to spura 2.7 perceny drop in expected motorists this holiday weekend from 971,000 in 2008 to 945,00o0 in 2009. This marks the seconxd straight year July 4th travel has The announcement follows 10 consecutive days of decreasinbggasoline prices, from a state averagr of $2.66 per gallon on June 20 to $2.6q1 per gallon on June 30. Currently, the lowesgt average gasoline prices in the state can be founds in High Pointat $2.53 per while the highest can be found in Durham at $2.66. the overall 61-cent increase in average prices over the last 61 days appearsz to be keeping travelers offthe road.
many will turn to air travel this with 59,000 passengers taking flight acros the state — a 5.4 percent increase from 56,000 during the holiday weekend in 2008.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Twenty-three new businesses either located in Mountain Home or doing business ... - Baxter Bulletin
Twenty-three new businesses either located in Mountain Home or doing business ... Baxter Bulletin Twenty-three new businesses either located in Mountain Home or doing business in the city were licensed during March, according to the monthly licensing report by Administrative Secretary Tracy Tilley. Total licensing revenue was $100264, ... |
Monday, April 4, 2011
Thousands of teachers statewide, and hundreds in Valley, facing layoffs - San Gabriel Valley Tribune
Thousands of teachers statewide, and hundreds in Valley, facing layoffs San Gabriel Valley Tribune Anthony Avina, a professor specializing in K-12 education at Cal Poly Pomona, said that if the state budget is "draconian in its cuts," districts may be forced to take additional measures on top of planned layoffs. "At this point in time, ... |
Saturday, April 2, 2011
CFOs remain cautious when hiring - Portland Business Journal:
The majority of respondents, 87 percent, anticipate no change in The local results reflecta two-quartee rolling average based on interviews with 200 CFOs from a randomm sample of companies in the Portland area with 20 or more 1,400 CFOs were queried for the national data. The studiess were conducted by an independent research firm and developed by RobergtHalf International, the world’s first and largest staffing servicese firm specializing in accounting and Robert Half has been trackiny financial hiring activity in the United States since 1992.
“Many companies remai n hesitant to commit to adding staff until they are certaim of an economic saidMax Messmer, chairman and CEO of Robert Half “In the meantime, most firms are working with theifr current teams to manage key initiatives, with some employers also bringing in project professionala to assist with rising workloads and support full-tim personnel.” Nationwide, 5 percent of CFOs expec to hire full-time employees during the thirx quarter, while 8 percent anticipate personnel reductions.
The majority of respondentsx (85 percent) say they plan to maintainj their currentstaff